Check Your Heart! (Luke 3:1-15)

John the Baptist came preaching one message, "a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins". John the Baptist stood and called the culture of his time to do a major heart check before coming to God for baptism. He wanted the culture to know that they truly need to repent and not just turn to religion or look toward their ethnicity for the forgiveness of their sins. And we, today, need to do the same heart check! Follow along as pastor Donnie De La Cruz challenges us to truly repent and turn toward Jesus. 

If It's True, Then You Have To Respond (Luke 2:21-38)

Many people who encounter Jesus have been so drastically changed that their entire life is a testimony of Jesus and his glory. We read about 2 people who have been holding on to God's promise of a coming comfort and savior, and when they both meet baby Jesus, they know that God answered his promise!

Pastor Donnie De La Cruz says," if the story of Jesus is true, that he is God's son sent to be the savior of the world, then you have no other choice but to surrender to him! He is the King, He is God!" 

You Are Blessed: (Luke 1:38-56)

Entitlement can be a dangerous quality to have for anyone, but even more so for Christians. When a Christian becomes entitled to God's blessing, they forget that in the midst of hard times, God doesn't have to bless us. Follow along as pastor Donnie De La Cruz reminds us that God chooses to love us despite our sinful ways and that in our hardships, don't just look for the blessings, look for the Blesser! 

You Have To Respond! (Luke 1:26-38)

Have you ever looked at your own life and thought, "I'm too insignificant to make a true impact in this world." Or maybe you thought because of your past or where you are from that you couldn't be used to make a difference in this world? 

Follow along as pastor Donnie De La Cruz shows us in Luke 1 that God cares more about our willingness to respond to him rather than who we think we are or where we come from. 

Surrender: Just Be a Branch!

As we wrap up our sermon series "Surrender", we look at John 15 where Jesus gives us a very simple instruction. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches!". Have you ever felt like you just didn't have the same amount of joy as you use to? Maybe you feel like you don't have that "abundant life" that Jesus says he gives Christians? John 15 challenges us to look at our own lives and see if we are connected to the true vine or if we are broken off branches that are slowly withering away. To be fully surrendered you have to be fully attached to Jesus. 

Surrender: Guilty As Charged

Guilt is something that can haunt a person for their entire life and can come upon a person in so many ways. Most people believe that they cannot come to Jesus because they are guilty and are afraid that Jesus will condemn them for their guilt. Praise God the Bible says otherwise! Follow along as pastor Donnie explains how there is no condemnation for those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. 

Surrender: Bitter Roots (Bitterness)

The sin of bitterness not only hinders your walk with God but it destroys every aspect of your life.    Bitterness can poison your family, relationships, the church you attend, and can even bring you health issues and diseases. The Bible tells us that the only way to uproot bitterness is by seeking forgiveness and peace. Follow along as we talk about what bitterness really is and how we can surrender our own bitterness to Jesus. 

Surrender: Run Free! (3 aspects of a surrendered life)

There are multiple factors in your life that hinder you from living out your purpose given by God.  Those factors consist of multiple distractions, the sin in our life, and us not being willing to fully surrender to God. Hebrews 12 calls us to lay aside all wegiht and sin and run our race, with our eyes fixed on Jesus! Follow along as we talk about the 3 aspects of a surrenderd life. 

Surrender: Don't Worry About It (Anxiety)

Recent surveys say that around 18% of the American population suffer from Anxiety Disorder. They even go as far to say that the true number should be closer to 30% but most Americans won't identify with having issues with anxiety. What is anxiety and why does it seem like its becoming more common amongst believers? What is God doing about our stress, worries, and fears? Follow along as we search the scriptures and see what Jesus has to say about our anxiety. 

Surrender: What Is On Your Alter?

We can learn a lot about the Israelites and their relationship with God throughout the Old Testament. One of biggest things we can learn from them is that we need to be careful not to make false gods and place them in place of God in our lives. "The deadliest war that is going on in the believer's heart is a war with false gods and Jesus Christ. Fighting over God's rightful place in their heart."